I know what teamwork is all about.......I know what winning is all about.... I played pro sports & we always tried our very best each & every day. This is what I look for when hiring any contractor.......a team that cares about what they represent.......The coach in charge, that wants another win, another smile, another "job well done". I hired Magnificent Solutions because they were different .......so different than the 4 other interviews for just the right contractor.......someone that we felt cared this job when completed would put smiles on our faces. He looked you in the eyes when he was talking & we felt that customer satisfaction was high on his list........ We were oh, so right........Magnificent Solutions is that special person that truly wants to put a smile on the face of the person that hires them. They do everything possible to do just that. They were so good that we are now going forward with 2 more projects in a bathroom & kitchen remodel...........and this decision was made the same day they completed the other 10 day project.,,,,,,that should say it all, Finally, someone that does work in our home & wants to leave the home cleaner than when they began & complete that job to our satisfaction, not theirs. Magnificent Solutions truly is that "Dream Team". Magnificent Solutions is a "Slam Dunk"!!!